Stay up to date with the latest improvements and new features in Auclio.
A new widget has been added to our widget collection – card widget. It serves as an information display containing both hardcoded or dynamic values from an external system. In addition, each card widget can have an image/icon attached to visually enrich the data displayed on the widget.
Alongside the M-Files connection, now applications can be set without any connector – meaning that data can now be stored in the Auclio database without a need to be stored in some external system. This way, simple business applications can be built without a need to have external system source.
The login page was redesigned so that each tenant could have a custom layout.
The performance of data retrieval in the table widget has been significantly improved.
In addition to sending application logs to our real-time search and analysis server, Auclio is now also sending telemetry traces using the Open Telemetry protocol. This brings the benefits of improved observability, alerting, and performance analysis for our application.
A set of security improvements has been introduced to the M-Files connector Adapter to make sure all data that goes out if the adapter is sent encrypted using HTTPS protocol.
Data refresh occurs automatically – there is no need to refresh a page whenever something is updated in the domain system. For instance, if another user edits a property you are currently viewing – this property will be updated automatically in Portal.
If a specific dropdown list depends on a parent dataset to be filtered on, this can now be implemented with hierarchical filtering. We enabled a way to configure if a specific dropdown list should show only values that depend on a parent dataset filter. E.g. show in a dropdown list only cities that belong to a country that I chose earlier.
In Redesign, we already introduced grid layout as the first drag-and-drop UI functionality within our redesign UI. However, in the first iteration, it was only possible to play with it, not to use it since saving was not enabled. Now, the saving feature is implemented therefore you can arrange grid layout to your liking and save it.
To make Auclio more visually appealing and user-friendly, we’ve implemented a complete UI theme redesign. New UI is implemented for Portal, where all early existing functions were implemented in new design. The fresh design helps users navigate and interact with the platform more intuitively, improving productivity and usability.
Auclio is now a fully blown multi-tenant application, allowing for the creation and management of multiple tenants within a single application instance, whilst maintaining data separation between tenants.
Now, the application can be configured in a way where one part (or whole application) can be structured in wizard from. With this feature, you can design workflows that have “Next” and “Back” buttons, enabling users to navigate through a series of steps in a structured manner. This wizard-style navigation is ideal for applications that require users to complete a process in a specific order, improving user experience by providing clear guidance throughout the workflow. The wizard can be implemented in application part of the configuration, where you choose all pages that would be included and additional properties alongside.
The button widget has received significant upgrades to support more dynamic actions:
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